Great Blog! Very Important!
Norma -
Thank you Kendal! Looking forward to your visit and being challenged by your ideas and concepts. Candia
Hello all - i have been thinking about the public art project in St. Croix and that perhaps this would be a great time to record the stories and remembrances about the "cultural" history of Frederiksted as represented by the businesses that have existed over the years and the services that they have offered; the role that they have played in the community, etc. In addition to the video&/or audio recordings perhaps some kind of a physical marker (or flag)could be made to designate the spot...I have also been thinking about Tibetan prayer flags and adapting the concept (prayers of hope and blessings) to this locale as well...regards, Janet
good day kendall and thanks for doing what you do. a few years ago i started painting the abandoned vehicles in my mary's fancy neighborhood on st croix to make people more aware of the trash they discard. i've been using left-over house paint and it has improved the look (and conscience) of our corner of the world. if frederiksted is the focus, there may be some junk cars up around the cemetery. if not cars, there's plenty of bottles, cans, paper plates that could be compiled into a larger piece to highlight our treatment of nature here. i hope the project goes well and receives good support.
Hi Tomas and all - i like the idea of doing something straightforward and contemporary - referencing trash and the environment - when you mention F'Sted and the cemetery then i think wow - this might be a cool way to bring the present and the past together...somehow figuring out how to do something contemporary and lighthanded which is also respectful and mindful of the past - how to do this????
Kendal - thanks for the new postings - love the RICH idea - funny and succinct! Happy New Year everyone!
Hi Everyone,
Kendal, I am delighted that you are coming back home to contribute. St. Croix needs positive roles models. I teach a lot of young boys at an elementary school in Grove Place. Perhaps, after viewing this Public Art Project artistic seeds would be planted in their young minds. Perhaps, they will learn the importance of working together to beautify their community. -
Tomas, what you described is a great idea and it prompted me to highlight the artwork on the top of this Blog (Masthead). Even garbage can be made into something beautiful. I hope you have continues in that vain.
Danica, I would happily meet with the young people while I am there. I will have to figure out how things are scheduled to make this happen.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
So Far, the Journey
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2010.1.10 8:15amAST comment #2
ReplyDeleteToo bad the formating is not here
common ground
an agreed basis, accepted by both or all parties, for identifying issues in an argument
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 6th Edition 2003. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003
Legend: Synonyms Related Words Antonyms
Noun 1. common ground - a basis agreed to by all parties for reaching a mutual understanding
basis, footing, ground - a relation that provides the foundation for something; "they were on a friendly footing"; "he worked on an interim basis"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2008 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
Anonymous - you seem keen on participating. Do you have any suggestions on how we can get moving along or any insight on why people might be shy and reluctant to participate?
ReplyDelete2010.1.10 1:25 amAST comment #3
ReplyDeleteA good first step was to move the discussion "up" as I said before, "...don't get to the bottom of blogs..."
btw - I am not the only Anonymous here, and tried to use the name box but don't know what a URL is and it didn't work. So now I kinda like it.
Maybe there should be anon.# as an ID?
SHY ones, try it
One of the structures of the past that really symbolizes "common ground" were the Watch Houses.
Are there any on StT/StJ? if this is a VI project shouldn't they be included?
Apply Giant Band-Aids that get removed on Earth Day, maybe apply Ace bandages in memory of Jeanne-Claude? surround them in spirals of recycled items?
this is supposed to be an Ethernet Brain Storm, right?
2010.1.10 8:15amAST comment #2
Too bad the formatting is not here
common ground
an agreed basis, accepted by both or all parties, for identifying issues in an argument
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 6th Edition 2003. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003
Legend: Synonyms Related Words Antonyms
Noun 1. common ground - a basis agreed to by all parties for reaching a mutual understanding
basis, footing, ground - a relation that provides the foundation for something; "they were on a friendly footing"; "he worked on an interim basis"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2008 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
yes! the blog on top is much better...I finally found it!
ReplyDeleteAnonymous (I'll call you "bandaid") you make me laugh and it's good to laugh...hope I meet you Friday or Saturday.
It is kinda hard to figure this URL stuff out, not sure how I ended up with my name on here.
wish I had more: time, energy, ideas...but I do have a lot of curiosity. Hope people turn out for this - and hope St. T and St.J people are also interested & listening.
Another great way to get significant exposure for any caribbean art events in Virgin islands and the Caribbean Museum Center on St. Croix would be to link and get information tothis web site. http://virginvoices.vi/Art%2C+artists+%26+Galleries
ReplyDeleteGetting over 100,000+readers monthly.
ReplyDeleteThe Ruin's Ramble is at 3 not 3:30!
Gerville Larsen will lead us to 4 Restorations in F'sted.
ReplyDeleteThis Public Art Project experience is incredible. Friday morning I shared information about you with several of my sixth students. Initially, I encouraged more boys to attend but to my surprise five of my female students agreed to attend. I called their parents that same day and all of them were so supportive. It is remarkable because these girls live in Mutual Homes and Lorraine Village.
The first evening we attended my students were so impressed with you. They loved the idea of having Public Art projects on St. Croix. They insisted that we return to learn more. They were all inspired by you and the other artists in attendance.
Here are some of my student’s quotes about this experience:
Nyomi- “I was such a wonderful experience to watch art and to learn how it's made.”
Chadiya- “I learned how to have a good idea and make it happen.”
Kiyarra-”This experience is breathtaking… I never realized the art world was so inviting.
Anisha- “Wonderful experience…”
Quianna-“Kendal is a very inspiring man.”
We plan to continue brainstorming about our plaque idea and post it tomorrow (Tuesday).
Thank you Kendal for returning home to share!
Congratulations to this beautiful people and the culture that cultivates artists of the virgin islands ... congratulations to you.
@brazilpaint @newtonavelino
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